
about image

I am a Computer Science grad student who loves exploring the world of machine learning, blockchain, python, ethereum, and its related technologies. This blog is dedicated to providing you with the latest news, trends, and insights in the AI and Blockchain world. I also occasionally talk about life in general and share my experiences and thoughts with you.

Our Mission

We have experts that are passionate about AI and Blockchain and are always on the lookout for the latest developments in the field. We believe that AI and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize the world we live in, and we are excited to be a part of this journey.

What We Cover

Whether you are a beginner or an expert in the field of AI and Blockchain, our blog has something for everyone. We cover a wide range of topics, including deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, EVM, zero-knowledge proofs, zkWASM, and much more.

Tutorials and Guides

In the blog, I provide detailed tutorials and guides on how to use Python libraries for machine learning. I also share my experiences and insights on how to build and deploy machine learning models in real-world scenarios.

Our Experience

I have years of experience in the field of AI and machine learning and have worked on a wide range of projects, from image recognition and natural language processing, to novel projects deploying smart contracts on Ethereum. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and insights with the readers and helping them stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.


I also occasionally talk about life in general and share my experiences and thoughts with the readers. I believe that it’s essential to have a work-life balance and that sharing my experiences can help others achieve that balance.

So, if you are interested in the world of AI and blockchain, be sure to follow our blog for the latest news, trends, and insights. We promise to keep you updated on all the latest developments in the field. You can follow our chief editor Ashutosh Pathak on LinkedIn and Twitter as well.

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